
Dear Rachel
I have spent the last week trying to think of some words for Bob… but instead have spent the time remembering all the times we spent together in last many years… Far more then I had realized, From lazy Sunday afternoons reading the papers listening to classical music… He was the first person to make me really listen. To the very first time ( and last!!!) in Ireland I had ever eaten a Macdonald’s.. He was amazed that I hadn’t ever had  one, so we  had a big mac and washed it down with a very expensive red!!…. to India and Thailand and of course the garden in Suffolk. I am not sure what made us friends but we were.I have been cross with him and laughed with him: I wish he had been kinder to you and himself.
Most of all I am blessed to have had him walk through the changes in my life with me and been blessed to walk though the changes in his: There are not many people, I now realize, that have remained such a friend in the last, dare I say it, 40 years.
I am attaching a Pic not of Bob but of a butterfly taken in his garden in the first year… A perfect but fleeting moment!!

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